Thursday, February 1, 2007

Best of my old blog #4 Rvk Bar Guide 1.0

Hang out with freinds and chat: Belly's or Cafe Vin

Hang out with friends and sing along to silly troubadors: Celtic Cross

Try to hook up while looking like Indy Royalty: Sirkus or Kaffibarinn

Rock out in a sardine can: Bar 11

Dance: Cafe Kultura, Kofan Tomasar Fraendi, (depends on who's DJing, and neither of them are as good as the old Spotlight, 22, or Thompson.)

Rock out to live music: Kaffi Amsterdam

Chill to live music: Kaffi Rosenburg

Cougar hunt*: Viktor

Take your life into your own hands: Langibarrin**

Try to look "hip og kul" while swilling over-priced cocktails and searching the crowd for a "celebrity" to attempt to seduce in hopes that fame is infectious: Oliver

Be annoyed by yuppies who couldn't get in to Oliver: Barinn

Pick up random drunk people for sex: Glaumbar or Kaffi Kosy (if you swing that way).

Be picked up on by late-middle-aged shit-faced men and women: The Dubliner

Snort coke and feel superior to poor people: Q-barinn, Rex, Thorvaldsen

Act like a diva while caging drinks off drunk businessmen/servicemen/non-Indy foriegners/FM-hnakkar: Pravda, Hresso, Angelo's, Olstofan, and Vegamot.

Discuss literature, politics, or art with the Icelandic art mafia: Naestibar.

Watch teenage girls get hammered and try to act "grown-up": Prikid, Solon, Nelly's, Pravda, Glaumbar.

Have a great meal and a beer in the least pretentious bar in town: Vitabarinn

Get hammered with other alchoholics, and possible play darts: Grandrokk

Have 15 year-olds offer to blow you for a large beer: Hverfisbarinn

Have 14 year olds drunk off their asses on landi and vanilla drops offer to blow you for a pack of cigarettes: Hlemmur.

Have Thai men treat you with great hostility and suspicion because white guys keep coming in and offering their girlfreinds/sisters/cousins money for sex while spoiling the kareoke by being drunken asses: Kaffisettrid.

*For those unfamiliar with this term, it means to go out and find reasonably attractive older women, hopefully on the rather desperate side, for sex and free drinks.
**Or whatever its currently called...

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